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The Demands of Love bears witness to Mary, the Mother of God, as she reflects over the events of her life from her "yes" at the the joy she felt the first time she held Jesus in her the horror she experienced when Simeon gave his prophetic, but chilling the crushing sorrow she bore as she faithfully remained by Jesus' side as He was brutally murdered. Because she said yes to the demands of love, the world has a Savior. Carol and Kristen remind us that we, too, must say "yes" to the demands of love because love always involves the cross, but after the cross, there is resurrection.

The Demands of Love can be presented in isolation or it can be paired with The Demands of Truth and The Demands of Courage to create a three-night Lenten Mission.

Growing Pains: The Demands of Our Lenten Journey CD & Devotional

CD & Devotional available on our online store. CD also available on iTunes, Spotify, and any online streaming service.  Also, listen for free on YouTube!